WHIMZEES dental snacks bring together 2 important elements for your dog's health and happiness
tooth cleaning and chewing pleasure! WHIMZEES' unique designs and vegetable-based texture ensure proper blood flow between the gums and also prevent bad breath and the build-up of plaque and tartar. All WHIMZEES dental snacks are made with 6 main natural ingredients, which ensure a delicious result:
- Potato Starch: Highly digestible, gluten free and a great source of energy.
- Glycerine: Enhances flavour and helps our chewable forms retain moisture.
- Cellulose powder: A pure form of dietary fibre that helps polish your dog's teeth and supports a regular digestive tract.
-Lecithin: An all-natural vegetable-derived emulsifier.
- Malt extract: Gluten-free, improves metabolism, muscle tone and helps strengthen bones.
- Yeast: Source of vitamin B, minerals and amino acids for a healthier coat and easier digestion.
- Even its colours come from natural extracts:
- Alfalfa extract: provides vitamin K, C and six of the B complex, Beta-carotene colour is completely natural green.
- Onoto extract: Rich source of antioxidants, from the fruit of the Onoto, all-natural orange colour.
- Malt Extract: Enhances its natural flavour. Colour is all-natural brown.
- Calcium carbonate: Helps reduce the risk of tooth loss and helps maintain strong, healthy bones colour is all-natural white. (Only in the XL toothbrush) They are also high in fibre and low in calories and sugars.